We enjoy an early breakfast this morning before heading out to Kenya’s richest game reserve: the Masai Mara.
The jewel in Africa’s crown, Masai Mara is host to the most spectacular array of wildlife. Here, 1,510 square kilometres of open savannah, woodlands and tree-lined rivers create an eco-system which supports huge numbers of bird and mammal species. The western border of the park is the spectacular Siria Escarpment, and together with the acacia dotted plains, creates scenery of stunning beauty across the whole region. Lion are found in abundance throughout the park as are elephant, giraffe, a variety of gazelle species and zebra. Cheetah and leopard are also regularly seen and, if lucky, you may also find rhino.
Game viewing is never dull in the Mara, and patience is often rewarded with unique sightings: a pride of lion stalking their prey; a solitary leopard retrieving its kill from the high branches of an acacia tree; male wildebeest sparring to attract females into their harem; even a herd of elephant protecting their young from opportunistic predators. The annual wildebeest migration traditionally is present in the Mara from July-September and at this time nature’s dramas unfold before your very eyes at every turn.
As well as wildlife, the Masai Mara is also home to many members of the colourful Masai tribe who may be seen around the borders of the park - morans (warriors) loping across the plains, young boys herding goats, or elders grouped under a tree discussing matters of the day.
Check-in and lunch upon arrival at the camp.
In the afternoon, depart from camp to undertake a game drive in the reserve before returning to camp early evening for dinner.
Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Ashnil Mara Camp